
Digital tool in analog environment measure
presence of the brand on specific routes,
places of activity

Measurement of the number of brand appearance
in urban space

Advertising banners, Ads on taxis, buses, Competitors brand appearances.

What gets measured,
gets managed.

This may be a simple truth, but the management is always as rigorous as the data it relies on.

CITYSCANNER® brings you real data about your brands  in a physical environment
so you may use real data to get the job done.

Analyze brand visibility defined by custom-drawn areas of interest.
Compare it to your competition. Measure exposition in the same way as in digital campaigns.

CITYSCANNER® Mobile MultiSensor™ opens a new advantage for the analytics of your analog campaign.
Define classes of scanned materials and your direct competition to build comparable metrics database.local business
Thanks to the higher parking space availability customers can indulgge in inner city shopping to the profit of local business.


Comparative analysis against direct competition

  • Variability of the number of impressions over time

  • Tool for measuring the effectiveness of offline campaigns

  • Track sales performance compared to marketing/branding efforts in given area.


Do you know how visible your brand is in the real world?

Transfer your online measurement concepts into the offline world by using state-of-the-art digital technology.

Automatic  mapping
leads straight to saving time nad money

Brands need this robust and adaptive solution. Our approach to brands visibility measurement is bespoke crafted to your very needs. It will evolve your brand’s offline measurement capabilities and drive growth in the new reality of data.

Measure & Optimize Your offline visibility. We work with companies like yours to acquire the data so you have possibility to deeply analyze it, measure results, and optimize for future performance.

Book a contact.