The foot patrol
APP e-controller

At CITYSCANNER® we approach the entire parking zone enforcement process holistically.

From using automatic Mobile MultiSensor™ to scan high volumes of parking places through enabling easy pricing and time windows change through the parking spaces analytics
up to the foot patrols APP compatible with our CITYSCANNER® system.

The main task of the APP is to prepare photographic documentation of all vehicles parked in the SPPN during pedestrian patrols.

CITYSCANNER® e-controller APP

Allows automation and optimization of the foot patrol scanning process in full compatybility with CITYSCANNER®.

Why is CITYSCANNER® footpatroll APP unique?

CITYSCANNER® e-controller APP

Now foot patrolls can check license plates at faster pace in areas less accessible to the automatic systems.

CITYSCANNER® time and cost effective

Scanning process

  • 1. Take a photo of the car and number plate

  • 2. Confirmation is the car and number plate visible on the picture

  • 3. Registration is it foregin or domestic

  • 4. ANPR recognition

  • 5. confirmation is it the correct number plate number


In order to comply with the GDPR requirements, in the presentation of recordings and registration numbers are subject to anonymization.


Photos showing cars parked in the zone without payment are secured and then sent to the owner of the vehicle as an evidence.

Controllers only need a small printer for cars with foreign registration numbers.

Desktop APP.

The basic task of the e-controller is to prepare photographic documentation of all vehicles parked in the SPPN during pedestrian patrols.

The photos may (but do not have to) be sent to the server in real time.

This does not exclude the possibility of immediate ANPR analysis and verification of authorizations for number plates also foreign.

For more information
book a meeting.